We will be installing Pure-FTPd 1.0.32 on CentOS 5.6 in this tutorial. These are the latest versions at the time of writing this tutorial. Pure-FTPd offers a comprehensive FTP server solution that is easy to implement on CentOS. Let’s start: Now we will need to make a configuration for Pure-FTPd. We recommend using our configuration
The Exim MTA is used by many LAMP setups for mailing needs. cPanel, DirectAdmin and many other panels use it by default. This guide will contain useful Exim tools, configurations and general knowledge. General Commands Show mail queue volume (count): Show Exim IDs that are in the queue: Force a delivery of a specific message
Sometimes you need to print a specific amount of characters from each line output. This can seem like a challenge, but if you know a little awk magic it’s actually not that bad. Below is an easy example of how to output a set amount of characters per line via bash and awk. Print the
I’ve been a HUGE advocate of Seagate through the years (especially years that WD SUCKED!) After today I think I may use more Western Digital. I bought a new Seagate brand 1TB (1000GB) drive in December of ’08 for my personal desktop. I was impressed with the performance of the drive and everything seemed fine
Remember when CompUSA went out of business? Well if you don’t then you missed a great opportunity to buy cool gear cheap the last few days they were open. I got quite a haul myself and spent less than $400! This includes my Garmin StreetPilot c580 GPS unit and my Linksys RVS4000 which is the