I recently purchased a Coral.ai co-processor for use with Frigate, an open-source security camera NVR that utilizes AI models to very accurately detect motion events. Google’s USB based Coral device promises to take the processing burden away from my forty Intel CPU cores that could barely handle it.
Ever need to track the performance of your internet connection in a pinch? I did the other day when a customer we installed DIA services for complained of poor performance. I’ve tried many schemes in the past to do this kind of testing and this time I wanted to do something new. I also wanted
So lets say you have a text file called list.txt with entries like: What if you wanted to pick a random entry? The easiest solution is to use the ‘shuf’ tool, which is standard on CentOS as part of coreutils. The output would be a random line from our file!
Sometimes you need to print a specific amount of characters from each line output. This can seem like a challenge, but if you know a little awk magic it’s actually not that bad. Below is an easy example of how to output a set amount of characters per line via bash and awk. Print the